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Lisa Li is a Filipino-American artist based in Atlanta, recognized for her minimalist structures and geometric abstraction, which have been featured in exhibitions and discussions on contemporary sculpture. Lisa’s background in production design connects the disciplines of design and art, providing a foundation for exploration of forms and material choices. Her career includes an internship at the Frist Art Museum and work at the Nerman Museum of Contemporary Art, experiences that deepened her understanding of installation art and the museum experience. Lisa’s practice examines how art mediates interactions between architectural spaces and natural landscapes through her site-specific installations, focusing on the ways viewers engage with their surroundings.


My fascination with minimalism began with Donald Judd's work at the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, profoundly shaping my approach to both art and life. While traditional Minimalist Art emphasizes the physical object as devoid of self-expression, my practice reimagines this framework. I imbue minimal forms with a sense of function and contemplation, connecting simplicity with intent. This approach reflects what I describe as "internal chaos, external order" — a philosophy defined by the tension between the unpredictability of inspiration and the precision of execution.

In my work, the chaos lies in the sources that inspire each piece—conceptual seeds born from fleeting observations, scientific curiosity, or emotional undertones. These dynamic origins are distilled into minimalist forms, allowing viewers to engage with the work on their own terms, interpreting their emotions and reactions in ways that feel authentic to them.

“If I had more time, I would have written a shorter letter.”

Blaise Pascal